Sunday, December 15, 2013

Yard work

Went over budget this month on garden supplies, but my succulents needed a frost cover ASAP.
It's not exactly air-tight since the wooden planks below the balcony allow air flow, but cross your fingers for them. Once the frost passes (probably just another month, maybe two), I'll replant them into the big plastic bins as planned. I was going to do that today, but I broke my box cutter as I was shortening the sides of one of the bins. I'll add a new box cutter or maybe just a good knife to next month's shopping list.

I bought the frost cover at Pollinate Farm & Garden, my local urban farming/homesteading store (how cool is that?!). I also said hello to their beautiful chickens.
The hen on the right was really a gorgeous silver color. I am so looking forward to having chickens someday.

One other item I purchased: an impressive collapsible rake, allowing you to rake tight spots as well as store it more easily.
So I spent the afternoon cutting up branches that had fallen during the recent wind storms, and raking up a small portion of fallen leaves until our green bin was completely full. Being the gardening and organizing kook that I am, I enjoyed it!

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