Saturday, November 15, 2014


I started sewing this apron in the 101 class I took a few months back at Stonemountain and Daughter. Once the class was over, I was busy with other work and the unfinished apron lay in a corner. I finally took a few hours here and there to complete it.

I love the fabric. I reminds me of Q*Bert.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Crochet cloche hat

I used most of a skein of Red Heart's "Magical" yarn in the color "abracadabra" to make this cloche hat. It switches between various shades and textures of brown, purple, and grey. I loved it as soon as I saw it. It was a fun challenge, since some of the grey and purple contained larger tufts that made it more difficult to see the different loops I was supposed to pull through.

The entire hat is done with half-double crochet except the brim, which is sc, sc, 2 dc in the next 3 st. I like how it sticks straight out.

 There is one little stripe of glittery purple on this side.

So many tufts!