Friday, April 20, 2018

Pearla Lace Shawl #2

I love fancy, lacy crescent-shaped shawls. I made a Pearla Lace Shawl last year for my sister, and wanted a second one for myself.

These photos don't really do it justice.

I went ahead and cast on the Kryptonite lace shawl from the same designer, then set that aside while I knock out some faster, bulky weight projects.

Happy chickens

The broiler chicks are 3 weeks old now. I tipped their metal tank onto its side so that it still provides shelter from the wind, but they can make use of the entire "coop."

The adults got a fresh layer of straw in their run.
Finally, I put up a flier advertising my eggs for sale by my front door. My sister drew it for me. It's super cute!