Saturday, April 23, 2022

Knitting & crochet projects from the past year and a half

Not that many! The property kept me busy, and one of them (Moyen Age sweater) took a very long time.

One Chunky Cable Hat: a quick knit to surprise my girlfriend.

"Zombie" Moyen Age: Moyen Age is a very popular pattern, so I knew it would be a good one to try for my first ever sweater. I also knew that choosing a highly speckled yarn would kind of cover up the pretty cables, but I really liked the yarn (colorway called "Zombies: 1, Humans: 0") so I went for it. I'm happy with the result and am looking forward to more sweaters in my future.

Stocking for brother in law: Everyone in my family now has a stocking (including the dogs). The fuzzy yarn was fun to work with and gives a great result.

Dog Bandanas: I wanted to make a bandana with some sort of design on it, maybe writing and/or symbols. I looked at some patterns and found the shape that I wanted. I decided to go with double knitting for a squishy, sturdy fabric, and to be able to add designs without worrying about floats getting caught on stuff like dog tags. This was my first time doing non-mirrored double knitting. There were a few false starts, but it was worth it. I made a spreadsheet with formulas to help me calculate the number of stitches for the bands and the base of the triangle, and then how many decreases to put in based on my gauge. Yay spreadsheets!

In retrospect, I should have made the lettering higher and larger on this one. This was the first try.

Modeled by Terra before I gifted it to the recipient.

The second bandana came out just right.

 Cozy for whipped cream dispenser: This metal is always so cold, man.

I currently have 3 WIPs: a lace shawl that is theoretically my easy travel project (I've been "working" on it since 2018, but I keep bringing my main WIPs along instead), a set of tiny amigurumi narwhals that I hardly every work on (first one still needs to be assembled), and my main project, a cotton tank top that is maybe 75% of the way done. But I'm putting all of those on pause to crochet a pair of fingerless mittens for a cousin I'll be seeing in two months. I last saw her several years ago and she was looking over my shoulder at my favorites list on Ravelry. She pointed to the Rotweinknoten mitts and said "make me that." I bought yarn for it in 2019, and it's been waiting since!

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