Thursday, August 13, 2015

Welsummer egg

The Welsummer laid her first egg today! It's the dark brown one.
I now have 4 chickens all using the same nesting box, which means that I need to pick up some fake eggs and try to lure them into the other 2 boxes, or I'm likely to end up with lots of cracked eggs.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Farm name

I've finally decided what to call my tiny farmlet:

Little Spaniels Farm

In honor of the dogs that live here, amongst my fruits, vegetables, and chickens!

Egg and chicken update

The three older hens are finally earning their keep - for three days in a row, I've found three eggs in the nesting boxes!!

Also of note is that the three egg layers will now frequently drop into the "mate me" pose if I approach quickly and lean over them. I admit that I have been taking this opportunity to enjoy petting their soft feathers. It also makes it much easier to catch them if one errant hen refuses to go into the coop with the others.

All of the hens have been getting friendlier. The Black Australorp now approaches the door before I even enter the run, and the rest of the girls follow. I think the flighty Cream Brabanter rooster had been a bad influence on them before.