Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chicken status update

The older and younger chickens are now integrated and everything seems to be fine. The Australorp gives an occasional peck at the babies, but not too hard.

Last week I had the big access door open while I watched them, as usual, and the older ones decided that it was time to explore outside the coop.

Unfortunately the movement attracted the cats, who startled the chicks multiple times. The Australorp and Rhode Island Red hopped back into the coop. The poor Ameraucana just froze in place and pooped. I picked her up and placed her back inside, where she resumed normal behavior. After that scary experience, none of them have ventured outside again.

The Cream Brabanter has started jumping onto the 1 foot wall underneath the big door, and may decide to come out soon. I was holding her recently for a photoshoot and she escaped my hands and walked around a bit.

She's quite photogenic. I love that crest.

I'll open the little chicken-sized door on the next warm day that I have time to supervise them.

Here's the big girls settling down to sleep:

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