Thursday, April 17, 2014

Monthly garden update

I came back from a two week vacation to find most of my garden doing quite well. We had a lot of rain (5 inches in 2 days!) while I was gone. That has been followed by lots of sunshine and warm days. The plants are happy!

Foxglove reaching up for the sky!

First columbine flower!

Dill also reaching up for the sky! This thing might end up going to seed soon. I can't keep up. Also aphids are eating the top fronds.


Radishes! The back row was ready for harvesting!

They didn't grow as large as advertised on the package, but they've been in the soil for 2.5 months, and were supposed to be ready to harvest after 3-4 weeks. I suspect that the cheap soil I bought isn't providing enough nutrients for the veggies/fruits, as the carrots, scallions, and strawberries are also growing very very slowly. I should add some compost or liquid fertilizer. Not much to lose at this point, if I mess up.

I ate the radishes with some sandwiches. They tasted just like radishes. I'm not actually a big fan so this wasn't as exciting an experience as eating my homegrown spinach and peas.

The spinach plants are not happy. The outer leaves are yellow and the inner leaves are stunted. Some of them are starting to bolt. I guess spinach season is over for the year. :(

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