Saturday, November 12, 2016

Setting yarn singles

After procrastinating for months, I finally got around to setting the yarn singles I'd spun up during my introductory class.

Here they are hanging with weights (mugs) to stay stretched as they dry:
The really curly one (second from the right) was the first one I'd made, when I was having trouble with the twist getting away from me and making lots of little curls in the yarn. The left-most single is the most straight, as it was the last one I made from that braid of roving. Here are close-ups, from first to last:
And twisted back up into hanks:

I have much more of the pink merino/silk blend (on the left above) to spin up. The blue/purple one is all gone. I want to use this yarn for something, but it wouldn't do for a fancy project where the uneven twist and width would show. No ideas yet.

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